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Extra-curricular activities


It is our aim to ensure that all pupils at Al-Beruni participate in a wide variety of sporting activities. In this regard, we encourage every student to be the best he can be, not just because he wants to win, but because we want everyone to enjoy and to get the most out of what all the students are doing together. 

      Although the principal sports at the school are cricket, football, swimming, volley ball, basketball, karate, no particular sport is compulsory in any given term. However, we propose students to carry out substantial practice of a particular sport to refine a particular skill to excel in it. 

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i Cricket & Football

         Al-Beruni’s playing field is at a few steps from the academic block. Football, cricket and basketball are played in this field. Every class has the opportunity to play any games in one of their periods. This not only relaxes them from the burden of their studies, but also gives them physical exercises to rejuvenate and re-energize them to focus more on their studies. 


ii. Swimming: 

      There is a fantastic opportunity for all the students at Al-Beruni to learn to practise the mother of all exercises i.e. “swimming”. A swimming coach is available to supervise the students while they are in the pool to ensure their safety and to guide them to learn and ameliorate their swimming skills. 

       The swimming pool is open to students and faculty members throughout the session. Through our swimming programme, we reward and encourage their swimming progress and efforts. Students are gifted with certificates for accomplishments and have a chance to show off their swimming skills in contests. We have also formed a swimming club for students who especially enjoy swimming to make the most of their hobby and our facility.

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iii. Martial Art: 

           Since Martial Art  is a great physical skill and exercise, it is our aim to bring the benefits of Martial Art training to as many children as possible. Helping students to build their self confidence and emotional skills so they have the opportunity to reach their full potential in everything they do.

        The Martial Art programme is managed by an experienced coach, who train, supervise this programme and ensures that all the participants receive the same amount of attention, motivation and training. 

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